Tuesday, March 25, 2014


It is happening - right now.  Did you miss it?

Everything is coming together.

The convergence is here.

It started innocently enough - all the factions neatly tucked away in their corners of the concrete behemoth.

The business people here. The English people there.  Social students and science close, but not touching.  The engineers, agriculturists, and consumer scientists all had their cozy confines as well. There was equilibrium. There was peace. Each faction performing its necessary role to support the system.

But it wasn't enough.

Soon, the very citizens of these factions wanted more.  "Why are we learning this?" they lamented, and pursued their interests elsewhere.  The discord began - the leaders cried out: "They should do as they are told!" or "Why can't they just work like the others?".  However, there were visionaries; tinkerers if you will. They weren't happy like some of the denizens - they also wanted something more.

A Historical leader encourages writing.  A Consumer scientist points out the economic principles connected to our day to day lives.  The Artists push their citizens to defend their work verbally.  Like any great movement, it started small.

Then...the tech creeped in. Once designated to a far corner, the people slowly spread the word.  "Why are we separate?  Why should our important work be contained to the leaders of the different factions? Couldn't everybody benefit from what we are all doing?  That is our mission - we can make this happen!".

The other leaders threw up their arms, although some joined in.  Seeing the benefits of this partnership firsthand, they also wanted to spread the word. Slowly, the tendrils of tech grabbed hold in many areas.  Still yet, there were holdouts. "We are doing fine without you, and busy enough to boot. How can we accomplish our important work as we've always done it, if I need to make room for you? Our faction is FULL!"

As long as there were those who denied the partnerships that were occurring, the factions still felt disjointed.  As new leaders were elected, more and more changes took place. The old guard felt uncomfortable, and dug in their heels further.

The leaders of those seeking partnerships got together.  "Our citizens are benefited from this new found freedom. They are becoming more flexible. However, as long as the old attitudes remain, I don't believe our people will ever truly be 'free'".  So what should we do? cried out members of the leadership group.  If not everybody is on board, how could we ever give our people the connections they need to see the big picture, control their futures, and prepare for an uncertain and harsh world?

So they came up with an idea.  An idea that would connect it all. It wouldn't need everybody to be on board - it would be a space for citizens to travel to!  When they wanted freedom and they wanted to explore, this space would always be available. In some ways, it was the "anti-faction" - encouraging all groups working together, instead of separately.  The citizens could see how reading and writing impacting their ability to create some mechanical.  The important of economics and finance could be seen when purchasing and maintaining the materials of this region.  Leadership, interpersonal skills, technology, and art - all intertwined.

In fact, there was nothing that these citizens couldn't pursue on their own in this space.  All they needed as the time, freedom, and opportunity to take part. Although not all ventured to the Maker Arena, the hope of the leadership committee would be to see, much like had taken place with the Tech faction before it, this "idea" spread throughout all the factions. And that one day, there wouldn't be any factions. The citizens would be free to pursue their interests when they wanted to and when they needed to, without the forced context of the current system.

And this dream is coming closer to a reality. The convergence is here. Are you ready?

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